Instruction Art Quilt: A Meditative Quilt Pattern

Project created for Soo Visual Arts Center Virtual Connections: Together From A Distance virtual online programming.

“In times of uncertainty and change, it can be difficult to analyze and process. You might not know exactly what to say or how to feel. 

I am an illustrator. I use illustration as a means for communication, so I draw when I have something to say. My illustrative work is more outward facing, something that is shared and meant to live in the world.

Quilting doesn’t occupy the same space for me. I still feel the need to make when I don’t have any words or explanations, and I can make an improv quilt thinking only about color and shape and balance. It becomes a meditative process for me, grounding me in my body and helping me to access what I’m really thinking and feeling.

As the world around me went into lockdown in early March 2020, I turned to quilting to keep my anxiety in check. I don’t tend to use quilt patterns, preferring to make it up as I go along, but I made several quilts at the beginning of my time in quarantine following quilt patterns. Having specific instructions to follow was really satisfying and calming when I didn’t have any control over what was happening outside my apartment. 

I was inspired by instruction art and quilter Heidi Parkes’ Scavenger Hunt Quilts. I wanted to write a pattern that acted as both a guided meditation and instructions for making a quilt. I hope to prompt makers to think more deeply about the mundane and to use making as a meditative process."

On Wednesday July 29th, I held a Zoom event, part artist talk, part show and tell, and a little quilting workshop sprinkled in. You can watch the video of the event above.

You can download the Meditative Quilt Manual HERE.